Vija Celmins

Essay by Bob Nickas
Matthew Marks Gallery, 2018



This volume catalogs Vija Celmins' (born 1938) first new body of work since 2010, featuring paintings, drawings, prints and sculptures.

The Latvian-born, New York-based artist has been rendering nature imagery from black-and-white photographic sources since the 1960s, exploring the same subjects repeatedly in paintings, drawings and prints. Here, she focuses on two motifs she has employed for several decades: the ocean's surface and the night sky. The imagery, however, is not her foremost concern: "The recognizable image is just one element to consider. The paintings seem more a record of my grappling with how to transform that image into a painting and make it alive." This process can be seen in A Painting in Six Parts (1986-87/2012-16), a group of six oil paintings based on a photograph she took 50 years ago from a pier in Venice, California.

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