Winter 2023 Books

Winter Books

Here are some of the most-anticipated and best-reviewed books of the Winter, including picture books, literary fiction, art books, graphic novels, and cookbooks. Shop below for nationwide shipping from

Spread the Word - Best of Westchester Poll

Vote Picture Book!

I am so happy you’ve found my little bookshop and would be grateful if you could help spread the word to friends and neighbors. Voting in the annual Westchester Magazine Best of Westchester Poll is a great way to support me and all your other favorite local small businesses from hairdressers to co-working spaces. This year, you can vote for your favorite bookstore in both the kids and shopping categories. The poll closes on January 20th at 5pm.

Another great way to share your thoughts on the shop is writing a google or yelp review, or simply telling a friend they should come check us out. Thank you so much for being a part of the Picture Book community!



Westchester Magazine:

Westchester Mag Kids:

Westchester Mag Shopping:

In the Press: "The Keys to Selling Books Locally: Community and Conversation" The Hudson Independent

The Keys to Selling Books Locally: Community and Conversation

By By W.B. King, The Hudson Independent, December 13, 2022

Sara Davidson’s Picture Book tucked away in Dobbs Ferry’s Palisades Building (photo by Barrett Seaman)


A Pan­demic Baby

Pic­ture Book, lo­cated in the lobby of Hud­co’s co-work­space in Dobbs Fer­ry’s Pal­isades Build­ing, can’t rely on street traf­fic for busi­ness, but enough peo­ple from the build­ing and be­yond are drawn to its com­bi­na­tion of chil­dren’s books and adult il­lus­trated art and cook­books have made it a go­ing en­ter­prise. This “pan­demic baby,” as pro­pri­etor Sara David­son Johns calls her “store,” was ini­tially in­tended as an in­terim lo­ca­tion on the way to a bricks-and-mor­tar Main Street venue when she opened in Oc­to­ber 2020. But busi­ness has im­proved each year since—enough so that she has opened a sec­ond shop in a sim­i­lar co-work­ing space in Cross River in north­ern Westch­ester.

“We had a re­ally big week­end with the Hol­i­day Trol­ley” bring­ing shop­pers down to the re­mote lo­ca­tion, she says. “I was talk­ing all day long,” she con­fesses in a barely au­di­ble voice a few days later. While il­lus­trated vol­umes are the core of her brand, David­son also of­fers con­tem­po­rary fic­tion and sells a fair amount on her web site, www.pic­ture­

Like other in­die start-ups, David­son sees her store as an al­ter­na­tive to Ama­zon and the big chains. “Peo­ple want a tac­tile ex­pe­ri­ence—and some­one to talk to.”

Holiday Market Photos

What a weekend! Thank you everyone who came out for the HudCo Holiday Market this past weekend! It was a record breaking event and a whole lot of fun. Make sure you are signed up for our mailing list and following us on Instagram to make sure you are in the loop for the next bunch of fun. Check out these photographs captured by Arielle Joffe to highlight some of the festivities.

Holiday Market at HudCo

HudCo Holiday Market
SatURDAY, December 10, 2022

HudCo 145 Palisade Street, Suite 200, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522

HudCo is transforming into a magical holiday extravaganza! Capture the moment in a photo booth, grab some Irish Coffee (featuring 813 Coffee) and Bailey's Hot Chocolate, and shop from a talented group of artisans and shopkeepers to easily procure special and one-of-a-kind gifts during the Rivertowns Chamber of Commerce’s Holiday Trolley through the Rivertowns.

The Shops

813 Coffee, @813coffeec

Adonia Floral Desig@adoniafloraldesign

Ayra, @ayrbarnes

Baked in Heaven, @bihbakery

Cloth and Curate, @clothandcurate

Falena Fine Jewelry, @falenafinejewelry

Handcrafted by Hasiba,

Honey Notes, @honeynotes

Hudson Oven, @hudsonoven

Krop Jeans, @kropjeans

Ophelia & Indigo, @opheliaandindigo

Oyun, @oyunstudio

Parson Brown, @parson_brown

Peace Street Co, @peacestreetco

Shapero, @shaperothebrand

Soy Vida Candles, @soyvidacandles_

Time & Place Interiors, @timeandplaceinteriors

Wild Rabbit Apothecary, @shopwildrabbit

and, of course, our resident fave:

Picture Book, @picturebookny

Yellow Studio Illustration Fair

YELLOW STUDIO Illustration Fair & Pop-Up Marketplace

December 10 - 10:00 am 2:00 pm

Yellow Monkey Village
792 Route 35, 2nd Floor
Cross River, NY 10518

Picture Book, a bookshop curated by art world veteran and mom Sara Davidson Johns, has opened it’s second location inside Yellow Studio in Cross River, New York. Yellow Studio is an art gallery, artist residency, co-working space, event and workshop host where you will find connection, learning and joy. Picture Book has an edited selection of art books, unique children’s picture books, and gorgeous cookbooks available in Yellow Studio Monday-Friday 9am-6pm and during Yellow Studio’s after-hours programming.

In celebration of the opening of Yellow Studio’s illustration exhibition please join us for an Illustration Fair and Pop-Up Marketplace Saturday December 10th 11am-2pm. Artworks will be available for purchase and can be taken with you on the day of the fair. The remaining artworks will be exhibited at Yellow Studio and available for purchase until January 6.

Exhibiting artists include:

Annalisa Oswald, Danie Drankwalter, Elizabeth DeJure Wood, Emily Ann Hoffman, & Kailey Whitman

Come purchase holiday gifts from our curated selection of vendors including:

Firsthand Thrifted

Gold Coast Dyes

Jane D’Arensbourg

Jennifer Mullowney

Jeweled Coquette featuring Get Connected permanent jewelry

Picture Book

Piece Revival

Salt Point Farm

Very Lovely Soles

Gift Guide

Tis the season to enjoy gift guides! See below for some great presents you can pick up at Picture Book in HudCo and Yellow Studio. If you want to shop from home or to ship your gifts, checkout the Gift Guide.

For the Plant PArent









FOR THE ART aficionado


This Week's Events 10/24-10/28

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

1pm Pilates with Sharon of In Motion Pilates at HudCo

6pm @barre3rivertowns for a candlelight barre class featuring Parson Brown followed by shopping & CBD mocktails

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

How to Create A Career That You Love – A Conversation with Emily Yeston & Fran Hauser

6 pm @yellowstudiony

Please join us and learn more about Emily Yeston, Co-Founder and CEO of Doré. In this conversation between Emily and Fran Hauser (author, keynote speaker and startup investor), they will speak about the evolution of Emily’s career – from assistant to CEO – and share anecdotes from along the way.

Sara from Picture Book will be on site to show off the new location in Yellow Studio and to sell books including those by speaker Fran Hauser:

Embrace the Work

The Myth of the Nice Girl

Garance Doré's book:

Love X Style X Life

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Rivertowns Chamber Women’s Social
Thursday, October 27 from 7pm–9pm
Saint George Bistro, 155 Southside, Hastings-on-Hudson

The Rivertowns Chamber is excited to bring you Joanna Prisco of The Good Witch Coffee Bar and Jess Galen of Bloomy Cheese & Provisions to talk female-owned, community-minded, brick-and-mortar small business. Event sponsored by Picture Book and Joyful Dermatology.

Books & Buns: Launch of Picture Book at Yellow Studio

Join us for the launch of a very exciting collaboration: Picture Book x Yellow Studio Pop-Up. For this breakfast launch event, scrumptious cinnamon buns from Tam’s Kitchen will be served. And coffee, of course.


Picture Book is an independent bookstore curated by Sara Davidson Johns, an art world veteran and mom. The shop’s thoughtful selection makes it easy and fun to find something special. You can browse the Picture Book edit of kids books, new fiction, art books, cookbooks, and more on the website  

The first physical location of Picture Book opened inside the co-working space HudCo in Dobbs Ferry, New York in October 2020 and we are thrilled to open our second location in Yellow Studio in Cross River, New York in October 2022. Yellow Studio, with its co-working, art gallery, and artist residency will be a wonderful opportunity to showcase Picture Book’s collection of monographs, exhibition catalogues, and other coffee table worthy art books that highlight the work of women artists. The shop will be installed in the Lounge and the Attic of Yellow Studio with books for kids and adults to browse.  

Party Pics by Camila Montanhani of Living Notes Photography