Fall Books at Lola

Picture Book is popping up at the women’s clothing boutique Lola this Fall with a brand new selection

I’m bringing hot new fiction for some cozy fall reading.

L.A. Weather -the latest Reese Witherspoon book club pick

I Love You, But I've Chosen Darkness -A darkly funny, soul-rending novel of love in an epoch of collapse--one woman's furious revisiting of family, marriage, work, sex, and motherhood. Receiving rave reviews

A Slow Fire Burning -the latest from the author of The Girl on the Train

The Husbands -a Good Morning America Book Club pick from the queen of the feminist thriller

Fall Fiery Fiction at Lola.gif

Also some gorgeous cookbooks:


Lemon, Love, & Olive Oil

Cuba: The Cookbook

The Italian Table

Friday flowers from Flower Barr, whose awesome arrangements grace the Picture Book instagram feed. Treat yourself to bouquets, books, & beautiful new clothes all in one stop!