Party Pics! Celebrating with Jenny Rosenstrach

I was so thrilled to get to be the bookstore partner for the launch of The Weekday Vegetarians by Jenny Rosenstrach at HudCo. It is a fabulous cookbook that helps us to enjoy eating in a way that’s better for the planet, made by a truly wonderful, kind person so it is a complete joy to promote it. There is no better space around than HudCo to celebrate and it was especially perfect given that Jenny was one of the founding members and she wrote a lot of the book here. It was a night to remember with food by Hooked & Hungry, cookies by Bake, cocktails by Spare Food Co., swag bag goodies by Tatcha and Rancho Gordo Beans. Couldn’t have done it without the amazing team behind HudCo including Shannon who pulled it all together, and her amazing sisters (all the flowers are by Sam’s Flower Barr!). Thank you @larufoto for capturing the night so well!