The Pleasure of Reading in Bed Together

This Valentine’s Day, make sure you and your partner are stocked up on good books to read in bed together.

The Pleasure of Reading in Bed Together

from The School of Life

“A bedroom at around 9pm. It’s quiet, save for the rustle of the leaves in the garden outside.

We’re side by side, each absorbed in a different world. One of us might be in a submarine beneath the arctic ice floe, the other is flitting through the salons of 18th-century Paris. Every so often our toes touch momentarily but without raising notice.

We might briefly stretch a hand to touch the nape of the partner’s neck before turning a page.’

“We tend to be so much aware of the troubles, we sometimes take the peaceable moments for granted, failing to appreciate their underlying achievement. It may lack glamour, but being able to read in bed together with someone is a major milestone; and a sign of deep affection. We may be doing better than we think.”